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Zambia University College of Technology Profile

The Zambia University College of Technology (ZUT) formerly Zambia ICT College / Zamtel College is the fastest-growing higher learning institution based in Ndola. The University College is a government higher institution of learning and ICT Centre of Excellence.


In May 2022, Zambia Information and Communication Technology College has declared a Public Higher Education Institution and renamed as Zambia University College of Technology through the Statutory Instrument No.13 of 2022 and the Higher Education Act No, 4 of 2013.




The Institution was officially opened in 1972 by Fwanyanga Mulikita the then Minister of Power, Transport and Communication. It was constructed with the help of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), to provide in-service training for staff and the region. However, over the years, the institution evolved from just offering in-service training to diverse programs ranging from telecommunication courses to professional accountancy and business programs.


In the year 2010, the parent company Zamtel was privatized which resulted into the separation and handover of the college to ZICTA as caretaker. Later, in 2014, the government decided to transfer full ownership and control of the college to ZICTA with a view to transforming it into a National ICT Centre of Excellence and become the Talent Training Centre within the SMART ZAMBIA project.


Effects of transition

The transition has seen the change of names from Zamtel Training College to Zambia ICT College and now Zambia University College of Technology.



Portfolio of programs

The College is taking advantage of the 1998 TEVET Act No 13 to respond to the key stakeholder demands, create links and innovative partnerships with other training providers, industry, and business to ensure that training programs are actively interfaced with workplace learning and entrepreneurship development.


The following programmes form the core training function:

  • Skills development programmes
  • Short-term demand-driven training programmes
  • Formal and Mainstream national training programmes
  • Entrepreneurship development training programmes


The University College of Technology Zambia offers both academic and professional programs as well as consultancy services in ICTs, Engineering, and Business related areas.




  • Bachelor of Information Technology                                                                     4 years
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering                                                                        4 years
  • Bachelor of Cyber Security                                                                                   4 years
  • Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with Education 4 years
  • Bachelor of Accountancy                                                                                      4 years
  • Bachelor of Business Administration                                                                    4 years
  • Bachelor of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management                                     4 years
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical/ Electronics - Power                                  5 years
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Instrumentation                                   5 years
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunications and Networks                          5 years
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Computing                                              5 years
  • Diploma in Information Technology                                                                      3 years
  • Diploma in Electrical Technology                                                                          3 years
  • Diploma Records Management                                                                            3 years
  • Diploma in Business Administration                                                                     3 years
  • Diploma in Health and Safety Management                                                         3 years
  • CISCO - Certified Networking
  • ACCA (Knowledge, Skills Level, Professional Level)



  • Bachelor of Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering
  • Bachelor of Cyber Security
  • Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with Education                       
  • Bachelor of Accountancy
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Marketing
  • Bachelor of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management


Entry Requirements

  • School Leavers: 5 “O” Levels minimum of Credits or better.
  • Applicants with related qualifications will be given some exemptions.





  • Diploma in Information Technology                                                                 3 years
  • Diploma in Electrical Technology                                                                     3 years
  • Diploma Records Management                                                                       3 years
  • Mobile Phone Repair and Maintenance                                                        3 months
  • Computer Hardware and Maintenance                                                          3 months
  • Domestic Electrical Installation and Household Wiring                               3 months
  • Installation and Maintenance of Solar Systems                                           3 months
  • Software Installation and Maintenance                                                          3 months
  • Computer Skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint Presentation                           3 months
  • Surveillance Systems (CCTV) Installation                                                    3 months





  • CISCO Certified Network Associate/Professional – Routing and Switching


  • CISCO Certified Network Associate/Professional – Routing and Switching
  • Certified Network Associate-WLAN
  • Certified Network Associate –Optical Transmission Networks
  • Certified Network Associate – Security
  • Certified Network Associate- Professional
  • Certified Network Associate –Storage
  • Certified Network Associate- Professional –Storage
  • Certified Network Associate- Video Conferencing
  • Certified Network Associate- Unified Communication
  • Certified Network Associate- Professional –Unified Communication



  • Cyber Security Essentials
  • Computer Networking- Local Area Networking)
  • Computer Hardware Repair and Maintenance
  • Programming Python
  • Surveillance systems (CCTV/Alarm Installation)
  • Web Design and Development in PHP, lSPs/Servlets or ASPINET
  • Installation & Maintenance of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System
  • Optical Transmission Network (OTN)
  • Optical Fiber System Fiber Optic Cable Installation & Maintenance
  • Computer Basics (MS Office Internet and Emails)
  • Microsoft Excel (Intermediate and Advanced)
  • Advanced PowerPoint presentation
  • Advanced Excel for Manager/Accounting
  • Computer Networking & System Administration
  • Cyber Security for Industrial Automation & SCADA System
  • Electrical Power System Protection
  • Customer Care
  • Supervisory Management
  • Project Management
  • Finance for Non-Financial Managers
  • Executive Business Management for SMEs





Cell: +260777798978/ +260966538196

Email: admissions@zut.edu.zm Website: www.zut.ac.zm


To Be an Institution of Choice in innovation, ICT Talent Training and Smart Solutions in Southern Africa.


To Provide Training and Solutions That Produce Graduates with Outstanding Technological Skills in Southern Africa through an Enabling Learning Environment.